Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Oh I be..

The Oxymoronic Idiosyncrasy of Being..

To be or not to be is indeed the question, but the answer is neither.
If you did answer and expect it to be right, you will certainly be wrong..
Because the answer is not in answering the question itself, but in the pondering.

It can not be, if you did answer either of be or not be!
It is in the act of striving to be, that you be..
Or in the act of trying not to be, you still be.
But when u succeed in being or not being, you cease to be.

The world does not revolve around ideal values, if everything were rational, the world will not roll. Even pi, is irrational, despite being solved to 7B decimal places, it is not rounded. It can not be. because it is the property of the simplest shape. And every simple things are, because of a small irrationality. The message is simple, it is strikingly bold. That do not expect closure. Because when you do get closure. everything stops.

Irrationality is God.

Time and again, i have figured out what it was all about.
Time and again, it has changed.. and left me depressed..
I wanted to find what it was all about.
It may well be about nothing after all.

It is interesting how much time was consumed. And spending time, was being!
because despite learning so many things, I have learned only this that
The meaning of life isn't straightforward, because there was none to begin with
To question the meaning of life, was indeed the meaning.
If one stopped questioning, there was no life, and nothing to question about.

It might all have started with a simple imbalance out of a perfect balance on nothingness.
Light and darkness, just because there was two, they divided and formed factions.
and led to all the mysteries of everything around us.
Its not the beginning of universe i talk about. It is just the beginning of being. everything.
If there was not those two, there wont be what would be.

So, what is the prudent thing to do when faced with the situation of what is it all about?
What to do when one lacks the motivation to do anything.
The question was not about motivation afterall..
It was simply, there was no question.
depression is a state of mind when the ideal situation is reached,
The ideal situation was ofcourse nothing. A clear halt of processing. An emptiness of being something. Something meaningful. A void. A sickness because of a lack of signal.. of being.

Emptiness. no ether, no space, no time, no elements.

But depression was still a state of mind, it was there. it was a feeling, so it is bound to change to a greater depression or ultimately to motivation.
Only a null state of mind, is irreversible. That happens when true ideality is realised. Death.

Why do I expect ideality from myself, inherently life can not strike ideality by itself. Perhaps all I need to do for being what i want to be is continually strive to be that, against all odds, against all failures that life is rife with. To strive honestly, and strive to contain my conflicting emotions.

Life is a conflict. A perfect oxymoron. Life finds a way in desperate situations, yet slack around in opulence with a lack of motivation to be.

I know they can not cease, because then it would cease to be. I strive to strike ideality, because i wanted to be the best. But when i did strike ideality, i was no more the best. Because for what I tried to be, I am alone. I could learn about life, but I can never explain. I could learn the philosophy of being, but can I beat the concept of ideality. May be i don't want to. Its a silly loop. I want to yet I don't.

Now question is, What to I strive for?

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